Sunday, December 23, 2018

Global Energy: Threats and Remedies - Joshua Mosshart

If there is one purpose that the humans have as a collective race, it is to leave the world a better place than we found it. But unfortunately, our actions have not been directed at that objective at all. In the opinion of Joshua Mosshart, one of the leading names in the discussion of energy renewability and carbon footprint, we are spending more fossil fuel than we can afford to. In fact, he says that the primary threat that the world and human civilization is facing right now is the shortage of non-renewable energy.

Threats of non-renewable energy

Non-renewable sources of energy are limited in availability, which is the factor that leads to its high demand and scarce supply. The coal mines and petroleum fields of the world will one day dry out to be sure, sooner or later. At present, with the fuels still available to us, we are failing to understand exactly how much in need of it we are. But once it runs out, and we do not have alternative energies to replace it, human civilization will be pushed back to the dark ages.

Another very imminent danger that fossil fuels pose is the danger of global warming and climate change. Up until a few years ago, big countries, large corporations and people in general did not pay as much necessary attention as the climatic situation of the world calls for. But it is not something that can be ignored anymore.

Several studies have shown that nearly 70% of the global warming is a contribution of the top twenty international organisations and their usage of power. The carbon footprint left behind by these huge concerns are the leading cause why the climate of the earth is changing, why ice caps are melting and why so many natural disasters are frequenting in different parts of the world.

Remedies of the situation

What blood is to a human body, fuel is to a civilization. Initially, when the idea that we will one day run out of our very bloodstream became a very prominent possibility, the big nations and corporations started with saving and conserving energy.

But the truth is, saving would only delay the inevitable that lies ahead of us. There is only one alternative to fossil fuels – using renewable energy sources, of which Joshua Mosshart is a strong advocate of.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Joshua D. Mosshart Importance of Distributed power solutions

As the world is moving towards rapid growth, the developed countries developing even more and the underdeveloped countries finding a way to develop, the need of finding access to power has become extremely important. 

Access to power solutions is the epitome of development. From food productions to quality health systems, energy plays a vital role. As the world continues to grow, Joshua D. Mosshart believes that distributed power solutions are the best way to go about the need for energy and accessibility.
The aim behind distributed power is to find a way to offer everyone access to energy sources without doing damage to the environment. Furthermore, a good distribution of power would have less adverse effects on the environment.

Although the importance of access to distributed power solutions has been proven, there are various barriers that inhibit the access of the same. These barriers exist in both developed and underdeveloped countries. The primary barriers include:

Tradition: Most of the areas are still using 20th-century energy models to offer energy. Large plants are connected in a top-down energy grid system.
Capital: The requirement of capital is a primary worry for everything. To acquire the capital to purchase a solar array or a wind turbine is quite difficult. The security laws and regulations are quite stringent so as to avoid frauds.

With the barriers to distributed power solutions in mind, Joshua Mosshart believes that all the barriers faced by any community can be broken. However, to break these barriers, a sound knowledge of the same is required. 

Traditions can be tossed,and new rules can replace the older ones, in order to offer the correct kind of requirement. With encouragement and understanding of the dire need of finding a way to access distributed power solutions, it is possible to find a way to deal with the massive problem of depleted non-renewable sources.

Furthermore, the governments of various countries are catching on and are offering tax-based reliefs in many areas. Additionally, crowdfunding opportunities offered by various private players has also aided in finding a way to offer access to distributed power solutions.

Above all, the falling rates of the solar panels and solar-backed appliances as well as utilities have offered a large boost to the quest of offering access to distributed power solutions. Moreover, the grid solutions, policies and regulations are finally being adapted to work well with the requirement of the 21st century.