Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Joshua Daniel Mosshart believes that finding a renewable resource

The world has been high on demand for a renewable source of energy. For years, various countries are trying to find a renewable source of energy. Although the primary drive for renewable sources of energy is said to be driven by the undesirable change in climate, JoshuaDaniel Mosshart believes that there is more to it.

It is true that the undesirable change in the climatic conditions were the primary factors in the past, things have changed now.  In most countries, reducing carbon dioxide content in the air, lowering the levels of air pollutions and the health problems which are caused by pollution have led to a rise in demand for a renewable source of energy.

In early 2017, the CNY invested 2.5 trillion in China’s pursuit for a renewable source of energy. The primary reason behind this was to reduce the massive levels of air pollution in the Chinese cities due to coal-powered power plants.

Energy security is yet another crucial driver when it comes to looking for renewable sources of energy. The truth is that since industrialization, the world has been using the resources at a rapid pace. Since non-renewable sources of energy take millions of years to be formed, it is likely that we will run out of our resources before the world has the chance to reproduce the same.

Energy security is the association between the availability of natural resources and the use of the same. With the changing times, and the need for renewable sources of energy has gone up. Given the present situation, the costs of renewable sources of energy have gone down as well. The most rapid changes can be seen in the power sector.

Various innovations, which will help the changing energy scenario, have also come up. For example, the price of solar manufacturing and installation have gone down, improvements in wind turbines in regards to the design and the materials used have made substantial progress, progress in thermal energy sources have also been made.

Another important factor worth mentioning is that the deployment of renewable sources of energy sources will not only help in combating the dire need of renewable sources of energy but will also help in generating new jobs, improve trade balances, contribute to industrial development, and will give a chance to increase income.

Joshua D. Mosshart believes that finding a renewable resource will help in the overall development of the economy and help in dialing down the dire conditions of climate.

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